Clifford Myers is a Canadian Comedian 15 years into the business and founder of The Other Comedy Company, a small business that builds comedy-based personal and professional development programs for corporate teams and community organizations.
In his career, he has been an active advocate for comedians, positive-sum business practices and community-building. His greatest career accomplishments to this day are directly integrated with projects and causes he helped build and streamline including:
The Brantford Comedy Festival (10 Year Host & Contributor)
The official inclusion of standup comedy as an art form at The Hamilton Arts Awards (as well as being the first recipient of the emerging arts award for comedy in 2014 and hosting in 2018)
Self-producing his first comedy special in 2015 called Clifford Myers: Oddyssey
Building the foundational open mic at Emerson 109 that has withstood the test of time to become a cultural staple in Hamilton, Ontario and a breeding grounds for learning standup comedy
Since moving from Hamilton in 2018, Clifford has settled down in Cobourg, Ontario with his 7 year-old son to live the beach life in Ontario’s Feel Good Town.
Locally he produces independent and corporate comedy shows, runs a small-county open mic at Northumberland Hills Brewery and runs Canada’s first and only comedy festival on a goat farm, Jokes and Goats at Haute Goat Farm.
Clifford’s professional experience expands beyond the comedy world and into both the developmental services field and the learning & development field.
Clifford worked as a Direct Support Professional with Christian Horizons for 8 years as a Direct Support Worker spearheading community-inclusion efforts for adults with developmental challenges.
From 2019 to 2022 he spent his time at Shopify understanding their customer support, sales, marketing and fulfillment needs to ultimately serve the company’s mission as a learning specialist for the Shopify Fulfillment Network.
The two things Clifford loves more than anything are comedy and learning. The two things Clifford advocates for the most are comedians and education.
Clifford currently serves on the board of Cultivate Festival which has expanded its efforts into a winter sister festival, Hibernate.
Clifford’s energetic and empathetic approach to the comedy business has made him a unique voice within the Canadian entertainment industry and a valued addition to events, projects and initiatives across Canada.